Saturday, April 10, 2010

Too much drywall in my life.

Its been a couple of months since my last post, and I apologize. Sometimes, there's so little to report, in spite of being 'busy'. I have wearied myself with travel, taxes, and tyranny (our present government). Travel was good, but it takes some time to recover and reorient. Taxes are something that I loathe. In addition to having to 'ante up', I am so disorganized that I think it takes me four or five times as long as it should take to track down documents and receipts to send off to my accountant.

And, on the tyranny front, I am deeply disappointed that our governmental leaders passed that abomination of a health care bill. And, then, as if that weren't enough, we've got to have Obama out roaming the countryside trying to "sell" the populace on how much we'll like it. Kind of like being forced to buy a used car, and then having the salesman keep showing up at your house and telling you how much you're going to enjoy actually driving the car. Just get out of my life.

Whine, whine, whine.

We've got to figure out what our summer plans are. This should be a fairly straightforward and enjoyable thing to do, but somehow we are drawn (pulled, yanked) in so many opposing and sometimes conflicting directions. It doesn't help at all that our Grandchildren are 1700 miles away, and our three children have located without giving any apparent consideration to the geographic location of their parental units. Our daughter Sarah is pretty firmly rooted in Boston, our son Sean is making Los Angeles his home, and our youngest, James, once he extricates himself from our basement, plans to move to Fort Collins in July.

Anyway, just thought I should check in, even though this is basically a 'nothing to report' report. I wish I had the creative juices flowing and could ramble on about the musings of life. I've got some very creative and well written blogs that I follow, and sadly...this one pales by comparison. Maybe I've just had too much drywall in my life.

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