Monday, November 2, 2009

What a Mess--My Healthcare Rant

According to recent polling data, 66.4% of Americans disapprove of the job the US Congress is doing, while 24.8% approve. I wonder who those 'approvers' are. I am certainly not among them.

When a proposed health care bill weighs in at nearly 2,000 pages, I just have to scratch my head and say “what a mess”. Couldn't the folks in Washington come up with something that is a little more 'focused' and 'to the point'. This rambling piece of proposed legislation would take a reasonable person nearly 200 hours to READ, and considerably more time to comprehend and contemplate the implications of the proposed legislation.

The bill contains, among other things:

Scholarships for Veterinary Medicine and loan repayment assistance for people practicing Veterinary Medicine. Give me a break. Isn’t this supposed to be about health care reform for humans?

The bill proposes a tax on wheelchairs and other medical equipment. Hello? How does that help bring costs down?

The bill contains no Medical Liability reform. NONE. In my amateur opinion, this is the largest contributing factor to the high cost of health care and health insurance. In fact, this bill contains an incentive for states to repeal any Medical Liability Reform that they’ve already passed. This bill proposes to give money to states that don’t have liability reform bills that would limit attorney fees or impose caps on damages. Wonder who was instrumental in getting that little “add-on”.

This health care bill is a prime example of what I object to in terms of the way special interests influence legislation. The resulting legislation, if passed, will affect us all and be a financial burden on this country for generations to come .

This proposed legislation is a mess, and should be thrown out with the trash. And the self-serving politicians responsible for it should be thrown (voted) out as well. ASAP!

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