Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Cool Little Guy

Saw Henry this week and is he ever becoming one cool little guy. His parents aren't bad, either. But I was definitely impressed with how much he's putting pieces together and figuring things out.
When I first arrived and got out of the car, Henry was outside playing. As I got out of the car to greet him, I was wearing my sunglasses and a Boston Red Sox hat (in addition to other appropriate attire). His first words to me were, "Take off your glasses so you can see me."
I was blown away. That was the most coherent linkage of words I'd ever heard out of that precious little mouth.
Then he followed that with a very observant, "You've got a "B" on your hat." (which I did and support of the aforementioned local Baseball Club and their fanatical fans, some of which I am related to either by blood or marriage).
Henry, his mom and I went out for a quick picnic lunch at Lynch Park in Beverly. We brought with us this little wooden bike that Henry's folks bought for him.
I am pleased to report that Henry has completely mastered the delicate art of small wooden bike riding. He scoots around on it as though he were flying. At full speed, one leg is semi retracted, and the other is used for propulsion, in a scooter-like kick fashion. Over grass, over pavement, through throngs of gawking admirers, Henry whizzes by in a blur of blue 'safety helmet'. At the age of two and a half, he cuts quite a striking little figure.
At any rate, I'm a fan.

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