Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New President Elected...and Economy in Freefall

Just thought I should check in.
Since I last posted, I feel like the economy has been in freefall. Bothers me alot.
Obama is now President-elect and I honestly HOPE things CHANGE for the better.
I didn't vote for him, but I trust things will settle down a bit in 2009. I can't believe how quickly things seemed to fall apart. Its been a bit of a depressing scenario.

Other than that, Henry and his parents arrive this weekend for Christmas and we're excited about that. Will be great to have them in a little closer proximity for the week.


Lance Carlson said...

we hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family...and hope that the carlson-lier somehow avoided the airplane slid at DIA.

Lance Carlson said...

i meant to type.......the carlson liers somehow avoided the airplane slide at dia.
sometimes i type too carelessly